In Bioaplicada we are sensitive to new market requirements. We are specialists in products and services for the medical devices, veterinary, pharmaceutical, cosmetics and agricultural areas.
We were born under the name `Reproductive Biology`, dedicated to research, teaching and provision of services regarding reproductive medicine. Since 1991, we offered services related to the process of human reproduction, training new human resources and presenting research papers in national and international Congresses.
In 2003, observing the world trend to `Reduce, refine and replace` the use of animals in quality control testing, we created the in-vitro Biological Research area. Leaning on a solid foundation in biology, we developed cultures of different cell types to be applied to Standard and in-vitro testing.
As of 2011, based on our vast experience in cell cultures, we are performing quality control and biocompatibility testing for the for the pharmaceutical, medical devices and cosmetics industries and in the Veterinary area, the isolation, purification and amplification of stem cells to be used in tissue regeneration treatments. We work together with veterinarians who specialize in treatments for tendon, ligament, bone and cartilage injuries in race horses.
In 2013, BioAplicada opened new headquarters with the latest technologies to increase our infrastructure and productive capacity in response to our customers’ increasing demand. To be able to provide a better service, we obtained the ISO 9001-2008 certification, which defined our Quality policy.

Capitalising our experience in basic research, our MISSION is to offer services and solutions for the medical devices, pharmaceutical, cosmetics, medical and veterinary industries. Following national and international quality standards we are ready to provide our customers with high quality services with individual solutions for their specific needs, cooperating with human and animal health care.
In BioAplicada, our VISION is to be among the national market’s top providers ready to satisfy the demands of both our customers and society itself, allowing for the growth of the health care and research areas following the new ethical parameters based on the 3R`s law: Refine-Reduce-Replace, in tune with international trends that tend to balance new technologies, environmental ethics and quality. In BioAplicada we join our customers in the search and development of in vitro models that will allow new possibilities to improve identification and evaluation of new products